
Быки и Медведи на фондовом рынке

В своей работе «После черного понедельника» Сорос диагностирует крах 1987 года и дает некоторое понимание того, что именно может пойти не так. В одном из его выводов говорится, что управление валютной политикой – это важнейшая глобальная проблема для предотвращения крахов и спадов фондового рынка. Журнал форбс в 2008 году самым богатым на планете человеком (с состоянием в 62 миллиарда долларов) назвал американца Уоррена Баффета. Прежде по величине капитала его опережал быки и медведи на бирже это друг и одновременно приятель по игре в гольф и бридж Бил Гейтс. Деятельность Баффета является наглядным примером того, как можно заработать капитал на инвестициях. Еще одна скульптура быка размещается в здании Шанхайской рынка акций (Shanghai Stock Exchange). Биржевые стратегии быков и медведей Главная задача трейдера — вовремя заметить смену тренда и зафиксировать прибыль. Плюс бычьего рынка — возможность хорошо заработать на росте активов. Быки скупают ценные бумаги, толкают спрос на них вверх. К плюсам медвежьего рынка в трейдинге относится возможность купить ценные бумаги, когда их стоимость снижается. Согласно экономическим циклам, негативные кризисные периоды заканчиваются, рынок рано или поздно начинает расти и отбивает затраты инвесторов. Причины возникновения бычьего рынка Аналогично тому, как медведь наваливается на свою жертву и давит ее вниз к земле, медведь-трейдер продает, вызывая рост предложения и снижение цен. Трейдер вполне может переходить от одного статуса в другой, в одни периоды придерживаться бычьих взглядов и манеры поведения, в другие — медвежьих. Швагера, она также известна благодаря написанной собственноручно работе «Виртуозы Вал Стрит». Название «быки» было выбрано не случайно, оно олицетворяет атаку на противника, а также его поднятие рогами вверх. История появления терминов «бычий» и «медвежий» рынок уходит корнями в далекое прошлое. Быками называют покупателей ценных бумаг, которые зарабатывают на повышении стоимости активов. Такие трейдеры прогнозируют подорожание инвестиционного инструмента, покупают его, а впоследствии продают дороже, получая прибыль. Риски заключаются в том, что неблагополучная ситуация на рынке может продлиться в течение длительного времени. Для трейдеров, предпочитающих зарабатывать на коротких позициях, неблагоприятным является резкий разворот траектории движения котировок. Тем не менее многие оптимистично настроенные инвесторы придерживаются точки зрения, что момент смены медвежьего рынка бычьим когда-то все равно наступит. Быки и медведи на фондовой бирже Для большинства трейдеров эти животные почти священны. И бык, и медведь окружены ореолами финансовой удачи и сулят солидную прибыль тем, кому биржевые сводки заменили жизнь в соцсетях и новости в телевизоре. «Медведи» часто используют технический анализ для определения моментов входа в короткие позиции и внимательно следят за негативными новостями, которые могут повлиять на рынок. При инвестировании в ценные бумаги важно иметь торговый план, глубоко разбираться в фундаментальном анализе и составить правильно диверсифицированный портфель. Доминирование медведей на фондовом рынке и в финансовых сферах иного рода обычно связано со спадами и кризисами, иногда даже просто с устойчивыми негативными ожиданиями насчет котировок. Любому инвестору и даже просто следящему за экономическими процессами человеку важно знать побольше про медвежий разворот на бирже, чтобы успеть перестраховаться. «Теперь “медведи” зализывают раны, а “быки”, “терзаемые смутными сомнениями”, топчутся вокруг отметки РТС в 1500 пунктов. Участники рынка, понимая “пузырьковую” природу нынешних уровней стоимости активов, ждут сигналов от финансовых властей или экономики». С другой стороны, для долгосрочных инвесторов «медвежий» рынок — это шанс купить желаемые бумаги дешево. Если инвестор верит, что компания переживет кризис, а рынок рано или поздно отыграет свое, «медвежий» рынок — хороший момент, пояснил эксперт. Они верят в рост рынка и ожидают повышения цен на акции, товары или другие активы. «Быки» покупают активы, надеясь продать их в будущем по более высокой цене. Скорость роста повышается, закрепляя доминирование бычьего тренда. Инвесторы с длинными позициями фиксируют прибыль, постепенно запуская медвежий разворот на бирже. Продавцов становится больше, чем покупателей, и они начинают оказывать давление. В некоторых случаях медведям помогают экономические события и настроения рынка. «Лоси» (от английского слова «loss» — «убыток») – представители этой группы регулярно терпят убытки. Он обучил и стал наставником для ряда знаменитых трейдеров, среди которых М. Подобно другим трейдерам с опытом работы в биржевом зале, она в основном торгует на меньших по сумме сделках, но имеющих высокую вероятность. По ее словам, чтобы добиться успеха, ей потребовалось 11 лет, это произошло в начало 90-х на краткосрочной сделке (соевых контрактах), ставшей большой. Она сделала покупку по 4,8 доллара и ожидала движения к 5 долларам, а в итоге завершила держать позицию с двумя дополнительными пунктами. Но приведенный пример – скорее исключение, чем правило и ошибки происходят у каждого. Панические настроения и активные распродажи только тянут рынок вниз, затягивая рецессию. Иногда эффективнее придержать бумаги и подождать смены тренда. Кроме того, диверсификация даёт возможность быстро восстановиться при смене тренда на бычий. Отдельные бумаги в портфеле начинают дорожать более быстрыми темпами, что приводит к скорейшему возврату показателей докризисного периода. Наиболее прибыльными активами считаются акции и фьючерсы. Фьючерсы способны монетизировать даже тот успех, которого в реальности еще нет, т.е. Практически нулевым спросом пользуются облигации, что обусловлено минимальной прибылью даже при самом благополучном раскладе. Основной их заработок строится на росте стоимости активов. Название «быки» было выбрано не случайно, оно олицетворяет атаку на противника, а также его поднятие рогами вверх. Без этой категории торговцев, не может быть и существования биржи, самым интересными и прибыльными сделками на бирже, естественно является игры на повышение, то есть бычьи игры на бирже. Быки и медведи – это постоянные противники, и их деятельность – один из основных дестабилизирующих факторов на мировых финансовых рынках. Точного момента происхождения этих терминов в истории фондового рынка нет, но есть несколько версий, каждая из которых имеет право на истину. Их на самом деле не один десяток, но перечислим только самые известные. Любой участник фондового рынка может «поймать лося» – фактически это означает получить убыток, потерять деньги. Второй персонаж – Медведь, был острым на язык, и донимал своими шутками приятеля Джона. Кульминацией общения двух героев стала настоящая драка, которая произошла на бирже. С тех пор названия «быки» и «медведи» прочно закрепились в лексиконе завсегдатаев финансовых рынков. «Быки» на бирже зарабатывают, используя стратегию «купи и держи». Их основной принцип — покупка активов с расчетом на их будущий рост. Вот несколько способов, с помощью которых «быки» получают прибыль. Основное различие между «быками» и «медведями» заключается в их отношении к рынку и стратегиях торговли. Биржа и торговля фондовыми инструментами существуют не первый век. За это время успели прижиться собственные обозначения для разных видов трейдеров и их методов. Так на бирже появились быки и медведи,

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Secured Overnight Financing Rate SOFR Updates

Every morning, the New York Federal Reserve Bank publishes the SOFR rate it has calculated for repo transactions on the previous business day. The SOFR is an influential interest rate banks use to price U.S. dollar-denominated derivatives and loans. The daily SOFR is based on transactions in the Treasury repurchase market, where investors offer banks overnight loans backed by their bond assets. The SOFR benchmark is based on the interest rates that large banks pay each other on overnight loans that are collateralized by Treasury securities. These scandals were in part driven, or allowed by, the interbank lending market shrinking in recent years, notes Patel. With fewer transactions, he says, the index began reflecting quoted rates, rather than actual rates from transactions. SOFR is a volume-weighted median rate, calculated from a variety of repo transactions. Repos, or repurchase agreements, involve the sale and later repurchase of securities. Treasury securities, minimizes risk and differentiates SOFR from unsecured rates like LIBOR. SOFR’s calculation uses data from a broad spectrum of repo transactions, ensuring a comprehensive market representation. As a result, U.S. regulators told financial institutions that Libor use would end effective June 30, 2023. Once upon a time, Libor—the London Interbank Offered Rate—was the most important benchmark for setting interest rates on commercial and consumer loans. SOFR measures the broad cost of overnight cash borrowing, using Treasury securities as collateral. LIBOR was the rate banks used to borrow from each other internationally—it was sunsetted in June 2023. The European Central Bank (ECB), on the other hand, opted to use the Euro Overnight Index Average (EONIA), which is based on unsecured overnight loans, while Japan applied its own rate, called the Tokyo overnight average rate (TONAR). In the case of an adjustable-rate mortgage based on the SOFR, the movement of the benchmark rate determines how much borrowers will pay once the fixed interest period of their loan ends. Additionally, Patel points out, Libor was unsecured—the loans it was based on didn’t use collateral—so it included a credit risk premium. SOFR is a secured rate, based on transactions that involve collateral, in the form of Treasuries, so there’s no credit risk premium baked into the rates. The Secured Overnight Lending Rate (SOFR) is the benchmark for interest rates on dollar-denominated loans and derivatives. It replaced the London Intrabank Offered Rate in 2023, which was the globally accepted rate before SOFR was adopted. SOFR reflects an overnight rate, whereas LIBOR was a forward-looking rate, making SOFR much less susceptible to market fluctuations and manipulation. Note these term rates are calculated in arrears (they average historical SOFR rates) as opposed to being forward-looking like swap rates. This was based on $2.3 Trillion of repo transactions where 98% of them used rates between 4.55% and 4.66%. Financial analysts see SOFR as cryptocurrency converter and calculator tool a big improvement to Libor because it’s based on concrete data from actual lending transactions between institutions. Goodbye, Libor; Hello, SOFR. What Does The New Interest Rate Benchmark Mean For You? Regardless of the SOFR transition, loan rates overall have jumped due to the Fed’s battle against inflation. This objective has caused the central bank to hike the federal funds rate 10 consecutive times since early 2022. It came from interest rate quotes that lenders claimed they would offer each other for short-term loans, making it highly susceptible to manipulation. SOFR’s establishment, grounded in actual market transactions, marks a significant evolution in financial benchmarks. The interest rate is set by the Board of Governors, and it is an important tool of monetary policy.See Policy Tools and the IORB FAQs for more information.For questions on FRED functionality, please contact us here. See the source’s announcement for more details.The interest rate on reserve balances (IORB rate) is the rate of interest that the Federal Reserve pays on balances maintained by or on behalf of eligible institutions in master accounts at Federal Reserve Banks. In addition, banking regulations after the financial crisis meant that there was less interbank borrowing happening, prompting some officials to express concern that the limited volume of trading activity made the LIBOR even less reliable. For example the 30-day average averages overnight SOFR rates over the last 30 days and is not a forward-looking term rate for the next 30 days. SOFR values over last 30 calendar days In addition, banking regulations after the financial crisis meant that there was less interbank borrowing happening, prompting some officials to express concern that the limited volume of trading activity made the LIBOR even less reliable. Eventually, the British regulator that compiled LIBOR rates said it would no longer require banks to submit interbank lending information after 2021. This update sent developed countries around the world scrambling to find an alternative reference rate that could eventually replace it. And “this self-reported Libor rate may not accurately represent the true cost of borrowing,” notes Weller. For example the 30-day average averages overnight SOFR rates over the last 30 days and is not a forward-looking term rate for the next 30 days. The LIBOR fallback rates are calculated by adding the SOFR rates for each term to the appropriate fallback spreads. According to Patel, few consumers should notice any impact during the shift from Libor to SOFR. The change will mostly impact financial institutions, though if you look at loan interest rates you may find a notation that they’re now calculated based 195 eur to mxn exchange rates on SOFR, rather than Libor. SOFR is much less likely to be manipulated as the Treasury repo market is one of the most liquid markets in the world, which means there’s much more real transaction data to rely on, rather than self-reported hypothetical rates. However, Libor was marred by a series of scandals and concerns about inaccuracy due to manipulation. For instance, the United Kingdom chose the Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA), an overnight lending rate, as its benchmark for sterling-based contracts going forward. Unlike the LIBOR, there’s extensive trading in the 3 penny stocks to

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90-Day Average SOFR SOFR90DAYAVG St Louis Fed

This variety in data sources contributes to SOFR’s stability and reliability, making it a crucial tool for financial decision-making and policy development. The 2008 financial crisis underscored the need for a more reliable benchmark than LIBOR, which was vulnerable to manipulation. Treasury repo market, emerged as a sturdy alternative, signifying a move towards more transparent, market-based benchmarks. The Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) stands as a crucial benchmark in financial markets, representing the cost of borrowing cash overnight, collateralized by Treasury securities. Its advent marks a shift from legacy benchmarks like LIBOR to a more transparent, transaction-based model, enhancing its reliability in financial operations. Miranda Marquit has been covering personal finance, investing and business topics for almost 15 years. She has contributed to numerous outlets, including NPR, Marketwatch, U.S. News & World Report and HuffPost. Miranda is completing her MBA and lives in Idaho, where she enjoys spending time with her son playing board games, travel and the outdoors. The Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a benchmark interest rate for dollar-denominated derivatives and loans that replaced the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR). SOFR’s establishment, grounded in actual market transactions, marks a significant evolution in financial benchmarks. Its role in providing stability and transparency is growing, poised to become a foundational element in financial markets and shaping a more resilient and transparent financial future. Starting July 29, 2021, the interest rate on excess reserves (IOER) and the interest rate on required reserves (IORR) were replaced with a single rate, the interest rate on reserve balances (IORB). See the source’s announcement for more details.The interest japanese broker rakuten securities expands stock offering rate on reserve balances (IORB rate) is the rate of interest that the Federal Reserve pays on balances maintained by or on behalf of eligible institutions in master accounts at Federal Reserve Banks. The interest rate is set by the Board of Governors, and it is an important tool of monetary policy.See Policy Tools and the IORB FAQs for more information.For questions on FRED functionality, please contact us here. The most notable change borrowers will see from the transition to SOFR will be its effect on loans with an adjustable rate, like a mortgage or a private student loan. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York publishes the SOFR benchmark every business day morning. Replacing Libor, the obsolete benchmark for loan rates, is SOFR, the Secured Overnight Financing Rate. Its full-on adoption by the U.S. banking sector as of July signals the end of a multi-year transition sparked by scandal. Overnight financing rates, such as SOFR, are key indicators of short-term borrowing costs. Derived read our guide to find the best forex learning book today from real transactions, SOFR offers insights into market liquidity and financial stability, reflecting the current state of the lending and borrowing environment. Big financial institutions lend money to each other using Treasury bond repurchase agreements, which financial pros call repos. Other Alternatives to Libor For example, in a “vanilla” swap, one party agrees to pay a fixed interest rate, and, in exchange, the receiving party agrees to pay a floating interest rate based on the SOFR—the rate may be higher or lower than SOFR, assessed on the party’s credit rating and interest-rate conditions. Benchmark rates such as the SOFR are essential in derivatives trading—particularly interest-rate swaps, which corporations and other parties use to manage interest-rate risk and to speculate on changes in borrowing costs. SOFR took the place of LIBOR in June 2023, offering fewer opportunities for market manipulation and current rates rather than forward-looking rates and terms. Federal Reserve Economic Data In this case, the payer benefits when interest rates go up because the value of the 4 best scalping trading strategies incoming SOFR-based payments is now higher, even though the cost of the fixed-rate payments to the counterparty remains the same. Since 2019, billions of dollars in floating-rate notes tied to SOFR have been issued in the United States, according to Ajay Patel, the Thomos S. Goho Chair in Finance at the School of Business at Wake Forest University. Major central banks globally have taken on similar reforms to replace their US LIBOR equivalents with more reliable rates. If you have an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), for example, you should check your rate when it resets from fixed to adjustable; it may go up. The conspiracy served to conceal weaknesses in the banks, according to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Some of the banks later admitted to criminal practices and paid billions of dollars in penalties. These repo agreements allow banks to make overnight loans to meet liquidity and reserve requirements, using Treasurys as collateral. Libor was based on the rates that financial institutions said they would offer each other for short-term loans. But SOFR takes into account actual lending transactions between institutions, making it more reliable than Libor, which Weller says was subject to insider manipulation. The Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a broad measure of the cost of borrowing cash overnight collateralized by Treasury securities. Note that specials are repos for specific-issue collateral, which take place at cash-lending rates below those for general collateral repos because cash providers are willing to accept a lesser return on their cash in order to obtain a particular security. SOFR comprises the weighted averages of the rates charged in these repo transactions. Why Did SOFR Replace Libor? If the SOFR is higher when the loan “resets,” homeowners will be paying a higher rate as well. In 2017, the Federal Reserve (Fed) responded by assembling the Alternative Reference Rate Committee, composed of several large banks, to select an alternative reference rate for the United States. The committee chose the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR), an overnight rate, as the new benchmark for dollar-denominated contracts. The downside of giving banks that much freedom became apparent in 2012 when it was revealed that more than a dozen financial institutions fudged their data in order to reap bigger profits from LIBOR-based derivative products. The latest published SOFR 1-month,

90-Day Average SOFR SOFR90DAYAVG St Louis Fed Read More »

Индикатор Аллигатор Торговые стратегии с Аллигатором Вильямса

Когда она пересекает более медленные мувинги, мы можем предполагать начало тренда. Скользящие средние, как ясно из названия, показывают средние значения цены за определенный период. Поэтому, если мувинги находятся в одном месте на графике и не показывают своим наклоном никакого направления, то рынок характеризуется отсутствием тренда. На протяжении многих лет Билл Вильямс исследовал фондовый рынок США и наблюдал закономерности. Как выглядит индикатор Аллигатор? Для внутридневной торговли вполне подойдет таймфрейм Н1. Это и легендарные индикаторы “Аллигатор”, “Фракталы”, “Awesome Oscillator”, и книги на тему “Теория хаоса”. До сих пор многие трейдеры пользуются его разработками и зарабатывают на финансовых рынках. АО целесообразно использовать совместно с другими рыночными инструментами. Существуют торговые системы, совмещающие чудесный индикатор Вильямса с Parabolic SAR. Открыть сделку по тренду по выгодным ценам, а закрыть в конце трендового движения — это мечта трейдера. Если рыночные условия неожиданно меняются, трейдеры применяют правило принудительного закрытия сделки вручную. Следом подключается линия “зубы” и в самую последнюю очередь подтягивается линия “челюсти”. Создатели стратегии «Мирабель» объединили АО с каналом Кельтнера. Индикатор тоже рисует 2 экстремума, но второй пик находится ниже первого. HIGH — максимальная цена текущего бара;LOW — минимальная цена текущего бара;VOLUME — объем текущего бара. Вы можете проверить торговые сигналы данного индикатора, создав axitrader обзор советник при помощи MQL5 Wizard. Индикатор Аллигатор Вильямса — превосходный инструмент для анализа рынка, который подходит как новичку при обучении, так и опытному профессионалу. Начнем с основ.Сама система основана на традициях Profitunity Билла Вильямса и принципиально мало чем отличается, а вот в технических деталях отличия есть существенные. Оригинальных скриптов и идей от наших пользователей. Самый популярный в мире сайт в сфере инвестирования. После установления самого высокого максимума на графике цена уходит в “боковик”. Зеленая линия пересекает красную, красная пересекает синюю. форекс брокер x-trade Скользящие средние — это производные от цены, поэтому, если на рынке есть график, а на него мы можем нанести средние, то такой рынок можно анализировать с помощью Аллигатора. 📚В этой статье я поделюсь книгами, которые были полезны для меня в процессе изучения трейдинга и торговой стратегии Profitunity Билла Вильямса. Билл Вильямс “Торговый Хаос 1 и 2” ❤️ В первой и третьей книге Билла Вильямса содержиться полная и актуальная информацию по стратегии Profitunity. Вторая книга “Новые измерения в биржевой Торговле” — промежуточная и… Cтрелочные трендовые индикаторы: принцип работы и стратегии Следом открываются страшные челюсти — синяя линия выстраивается в одном направлении с остальными. Сигналы на продажу Awesome Oscillator идентичны сигналам на покупку. “Пересечение нулевой линии” что такое развивающиеся страны идет по убыванию — первый столбец выше нуля, второй ниже. В состоянии широкого флэта не рекомендуется пользоваться индикатором Alligator. При торговле на маленьких таймфреймах используем индикатор с осторожностью, применяя дополнительные фильтры (фракталы или Awesome Oscillator) и подбирая параметры для каждой линии. Не применяйте Alligator, если не доверяете техническим индикаторам в принципе. Сигналы на продажу Индикатор Alligator отражает состояния рынка в каждый момент времени. Он показывает, когда рынок во флэте, когда рынок движется в импульсе и когда этот импульс начинается и заканчивается. Наша задача открыть сделку максимально близко к началу импульса и по максимально выгодной цене, а потом закрыть вместе с основной массой крупных игроков. Другие индикаторы из списка “Profitunity” были созданы для фильтрации сигналов, а также для уточнения момента входа и выхода на перекупленном или перепроданном рынках. Таким образом, получилась торговая система, торговле по которой Билл стал обучать трейдеров. Что такое Уровни Фибоначчи? Как торговать с помощью индикатора Фибоначчи? MEDIAN PRICE — медианная цена;HIGH — максимальная цена бара;LOW — минимальная цена бара;SMA — простое скользящее среднее;AO — индикатор Awesome Oscillator. Помните, что при использовании сигнала на покупку “Блюдце”, все столбцы Awesome Oscillator должны находится выше нулевой линии. Спокойное состояние рынка характеризуется закрытой пастью Аллигатора. Линии губ, зубов и челюстей находятся в переплетенном состоянии. Линии не указывают конкретное направление, расположены в горизонтальной плоскости. Awesome Oscillator — частный случай использования востребованного рыночного индикатора MACD. Именно такие же параметры предлагает Личный кабинет LiteFinance для индикатора Alligator. Стратегия подразумевает, что не каждая сделка будет доходить до определенного нами уровня Take Profit, и это нормально. Если рыночные условия неожиданно меняются, трейдеры применяют правило принудительного закрытия сделки вручную. Ждем, когда часовая свеча пробьет минимум последнего сформированного нисходящего фрактала и закроется ниже него. Перед применением новых параметров индикатора Аллигатор на реальных деньгах, трейдеру необходимо их протестировать на демо-счете или на истории, а лучше всего в ручном тестере стратегий. Рассмотрим настройки для популярного таймфрейма Н1, который позволяет торговать интрадей, либо удерживать сделки максимум три дня. Мы ищем такие моменты на рынке, когда начинается импульс, и стараемся зайти в самом начале импульса.

Индикатор Аллигатор Торговые стратегии с Аллигатором Вильямса Read More »

How to Learn QuickBooks as a Beginner

Money movement services are provided by Intuit Payments Inc., licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services. Learn about the ins and outs of creating and sending out invoices in QuickBooks. Novo employer’s liability for employment taxes Platform Inc. strives to provide accurate information but cannot guarantee that this content is correct, complete, or up-to-date. This page is for informational purposes only and is not financial or legal advice nor an endorsement of any third-party products or services. UickBooks is a powerful accounting software first released in 1983. Small and medium-sized business can easily manage their accounting and financial tasks with its intuitive features. Once your bookkeeper receives all the necessary documentation, they’ll typically complete your cleanup within 30 days. In some cases, your cleanup may take longer depending on timeliness of documentation and the complexity of your books. If you’re just beginning with QuickBooks, start with the basics — incoming and going money. If you’re not an accountant, keeping up with your company’s accounting can seem overwhelming. The advantage of taking a class is that you’ll learn about all the features using practical exercises. Learn about how to connect a bank or credit card account to QuickBooks and choose how far back you want QuickBooks to pull your transaction history. You can choose from QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, or QuickBooks Self-Employed. Novo Platform Inc. strives to provide accurate information but cannot guarantee that this content is correct, complete, or up-to-date. Otherwise, the flexibility of QuickBooks Online makes it the best choice. Overview of QuickBooks features You can choose from QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, or QuickBooks Self-Employed. Calculating Stripe fees for customer payments is easy with our calculator. Enter the payment amount to calculate Stripe’s transaction fees and what you should charge to receive the full amount. QuickBooks and Intuit are a technology company, not a bank. Find better features for building your business When you’re learning piecemeal, you may miss out on some tools because you don’t know they’re there. QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks Desktop offer many of the same features, and both are now subscription based. QuickBooks Online is cloud based, so you have the flexibility to access it from anywhere. Common pitfalls to avoid while learning QuickBooks You can also get support from within QuickBooks via live chat or email. If you’d rather go a more structured route, you can sign up for training courses in QuickBooks. The advantage of taking a class is that you’ll learn about all the features using practical exercises. By scheduling regular practice and taking one step at a time, you’ll quickly master QuickBooks. Using solutions like Novo’s online business banking — a feature-rich financial platform — that integrate with QuickBooks can make your bookkeeping even easier. Terms, conditions, pricing, special features, and understanding accrued expenses vs. accounts payable service and support options subject to change without notice. QuickBooks Payments account subject to credit and application approval. QuickBooks Online vs. QuickBooks Desktop QuickBooks Desktop does have more advanced inventory-tracking and job-costing features that aren’t available on QuickBooks online. If you’re a manufacturer, reseller, or need to closely track inventory, QuickBooks Desktop may be your best option. Otherwise, the flexibility of QuickBooks Online makes it the best choice. Novo Platform Inc. does not provide any financial or legal advice, and you should consult your own financial, legal, or tax advisors. When you’re running your own business, your period costs to-do list is never ending. However, it’s worth investing the time to learn how to keep accurate financial records because the payoff will be better financial health for your business.

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Ultimate Guide: ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit

These advancements have made it possible to design and manufacture highly complex ASICs in a cost-effective manner. Some manufacturers and IC design houses offer multi-project wafer service (MPW) as a method of obtaining low cost prototypes. Often called shuttles, these MPWs, containing several designs, run at regular, scheduled intervals on a “cut and go” basis, usually with limited liability on the part of the manufacturer. The contract involves delivery of bare dies or the assembly and packaging of a handful of devices. The service usually involves the supply of a physical design database (i.e. masking information or pattern generation (PG) tape). FPGAs comprise a matrix of configurable logic blocks (CLBs) connected via programmable interconnects. 5 Each CLB can perform various logical functions, and the interconnects can be programmed to create complex digital circuitry. The configuration of these blocks buy crypto voucher online and interconnects is stored in a memory matrix within the FPGA, which can be written during the programming process. This process typically involves using a Hardware Description Language (HDL), such as RTL, Verilog or VHDL, similar to other types of ASICs. Unlike Full Custom ASICs, where every aspect of the chip is custom-designed, Semi-Custom ASICs involve some pre-designed components. DFM can often be the difference between a successful ASIC project that meets cost, reliability, and production goals versus one that falls short. These standard cells include commonly used logic gates, memory elements, and other functional components. There are different types of ASICs, each with varying levels of customization and design complexity. In terms of performance, modern ASICs offer significant advantages over general-purpose processors. During assembly, the packaged ASICs are mounted onto printed circuit boards (PCBs) and connected to other components, such as passive devices, connectors, and heat sinks. Find out how to use LogicTile Express to prototype and validate custom ASIC IP alongside the Arm processors and other Arm IP in Juno. The PlayStation 5, for example, uses a custom ASIC for its GPU, capable of 10.28 teraflops of computing power and supports advanced features like ray tracing. Soft macros are often process-independent (i.e. they can be fabricated on a wide range of manufacturing processes and different manufacturers). Hard macros are process-limited and usually further design effort must be how to buy slp invested to migrate (port) to a different process or manufacturer. Modern ASICs Continual design and implementation verification throughout the development process catch errors and design deficiencies before they become costly time-consuming mistakes. Structured ASIC design (also referred to as “platform ASIC design”) is a relatively new trend in the semiconductor industry, resulting in some variation in its definition. Physical design (also known as back-end design) is the process of converting the gate-level netlist produced at synthesis into functional ASIC hardware. Design and Fabrication While third-party design tools were available, there was not an effective link from the third-party design tools to the layout and actual semiconductor process performance characteristics of the various ASIC manufacturers. Most designers used factory-specific tools to complete the implementation of their designs. Standard-cell design is the utilization of these functional blocks to achieve very high gate density and good electrical performance. These pre-designed components, known as cells or blocks, are selected from a library and arranged to create the desired functionality. The design flow is complex and time-consuming, and any changes or corrections require a complete chip redesign. Furthermore, the high cost of design and fabrication makes Full Custom ASICs unsuitable for low-volume applications. Get even more translations for ASICS » Physical design steps include floor planning, power planning, partitioning, placement, routing, clock tree synthesis, final verification, and export as a GDSII file to the fabrication facility for construction. A number of high-level EDA tools from various vendors such as Cadence, Synopsis, Magma, Mentor Graphics are available to facilitate back-end design. They each have their strengths and weaknesses and are sometimes used in concert to achieve an efficient implementation path with optimal results. Power Planning This includes outlining the desired functionality, performance goals, power consumption targets, and other critical parameters. It is essential to gather input from all relevant stakeholders, such as system architects, hardware designers, software developers, ASIC design engineers, and product managers, to ensure that the final ASIC meets the needs of the intended application. Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are used in a wide range of how to remove an app from recently added applications due to their ability to perform specific tasks with high efficiency. Additionally, the specialized nature of ASICs means they are not as flexible as general-purpose processors for different tasks. Full Custom ASICs are entirely custom-designed, Semi-Custom ASICs use pre-designed electronic components, and Programmable ASICs, like FPGAs, can be reprogrammed after the manufacturing process. For example, the Antminer S19 Pro, one of the most powerful models, offers a hash rate of 110 Terahashes per second (TH/s) with a power efficiency of 29.5 Joules per Terahash (J/TH). Mining involves solving complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and add them to a blockchain. This process requires substantial computational power and energy, making the efficiency of ASICs highly beneficial. Next, the wafer is subjected to a series of chemical processes that etch away the unwanted material and deposit layers of different materials to form the transistors and interconnections.

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How long does Marijuana stay in your system?

These programs also come with home testing kits to verify you are clean. Specifically, THC will stay in your saliva for one to two days after your last puff. If you’re worried that you smoke a lot, or if your weed is more potent, traces of THC could linger up to a week, max. Saliva is virtually tied with blood in terms of the time span weed sticks around in it. How long does it take for the effects of cannabis to wear off? Some 77% of heavy users and 39% of light users produced positive tests. No non-users had positive test results, suggesting that false positives in hair tests are relatively rare. Most of the other drugs (even hard drugs) leave our system in 1-3 days after ingestion. Unfortunately, marijuana can accumulate in your body and it takes significantly longer time to leave the system. If you’ve smoked 2 to 4 times recently but didn’t use it since, weed will stay in your urine for 10 to 18 days. How long does weed stay in your system? When different drug tests can detect cannabis So how you took your marijuana, your dose, how often you use, and your body fat levels (if you are a frequent user) will all affect how long a drug test will come up positive for marijuana. How marijuana is used can have a significant impact on the amount of time it is detectable. If marijuana is smoked, the THC levels in the body will drop within a few hours or days after use. But if it is ingested, the chemicals are broken down more slowly and may remain detectable longer. When it comes to testing for marijuana use, blood tests are not often used. Can Secondhand Weed Smoke Cause a Positive Test? These metabolites remain in your system long after weed’s effects have worn off. A workout that mixes cardio and strength would be the best to flush marijuana out, starting a few weeks prior to testing. If you do not consume any cannabinoids, then whatever is left in your system from your last use can naturally flush out. Our state-specific resource guides offer a comprehensive overview of drug and alcohol addiction treatment options available in your area. Not to mention, establishing an exercise routine may have other positive outcomes on your overall health beyond removing cannabinoids from your system. Like a urine test, testing hair strands can detect traces of THC in the body after they pass from the bloodstream to the hair follicle. But it can also get into the hair from physical contact, meaning that you do not necessarily need to be taking marijuana to have your hair test positive for it. If you have been around secondhand marijuana smoke, have touched marijuana or even if someone who has handled marijuana touches your hair, your hair may test positive. The hair test can be positive for up to 90 days after exposure. First-time users and infrequent users are much less likely to test positive for weed from a hair follicle test. Naturally, this can make it hard to figure out how long cannabis stays in your system. After all, it’s impossible to know exactly how long weed will show up in your system. Knowing these differences helps choose the right test for the situation. Calculator – How Many Days Does THC Stay In Your System This is why some people might test clean sooner than others, even if they use the same amount. It can make us feel happy, relaxed, and change how we see things. But, how long it shows up in drug tests depends on how our bodies break it down and get rid of it. Depending on the length of the hair it how long does it take for weed to leave your system can range anywhere from one week to one year. Will one hit of weed make you fail a urine test? THC sweat patches are applied to the skin and are usually worn from 7 to 14 days. THC metabolites can be detected in sweat for about one to four weeks. Sweat tests are not that common and they are usually used for monitoring patients during drug rehab treatments and employment programs. If you are an occasional user, weed can stay in your saliva for up to 72 hours. APPLY FOR TREATMENT Medical professionals are available to manage these symptoms, potentially using medications to alleviate some challenges. Most people entering recovery want to know, “How long do weed withdrawal symptoms last? CBD, or cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that is not typically tested for in most drug tests. However, some CBD products may contain trace amounts of THC, which could potentially show up on a drug test. Some think that exercise and drinking more water can help get rid of THC faster. Precise THC detox calculator Additionally, regular exercise and staying hydrated can help expedite the clearance process. This helps us understand how long cannabis stays in urine and how it affects us after smoking. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main active part Drug rehabilitation of cannabis.

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How Much Will it Cost for an Accountant to Do My Taxes?

Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. Accounting software could be a more budget-friendly option, even if you have to hire someone to manage the platform. A cost-benefit analysis weighs the benefits and the costs of hiring an accountant by putting a price tag on the real account examples pros and cons. This analysis is only an estimate but helps determine if an investment makes sense for your business. In that case, you might only need to hire an accountant during tax season or for a limited time monthly, which will decrease the costs. When you get to this stage, you might wonder how to outsource these tasks to someone with more expertise—like an accountant. Some of the differentiation in rates can be accredited to the services rendered. For example, light bookkeeping work may cost less than a more extensive overview of your fixed asset accounting made simple finances. As in all things, there is more than one way to determine an accounting cost. In AdvisoryHQ’s detailed review, we will be taking a look at the average accountant fees. The average cost of an accountant can encompass a significant range depending upon the location of the accountant, the services offered, and the fee structure each accountant chooses to implement. The cost of hiring a professional accountant to do your taxes varies based on several factors, including your situation, what tax forms you are required to file, and your geographic location. Go ahead and take your time setting your prices to ensure you bill clients fairly. When you hire an accountant, you’re also paying for their knowledge, experience, and industry know-how. For this benefit, multiply the hours you spend on bookkeeping (plus the overhead costs of any benefits) by your hourly rate. Our detailed review of what you can expect to pay in CPA fees covers this exact scenario in the previous section. Many small business owners use accounting software to help them sources and uses of funds table manage their receipts, invoices, and bank statements. Hourly rates are common, and they vary based on the accountant’s experience, training, and certifications. An accountant’s hourly rate can range from $150 to more than $400 per hour. Hiring an accountant can help you save money on taxes and provide financial advice to help you increase profits and decrease costs. Once you find potential accountants or firms you can hire, you can meet with them to talk about their services and what they can offer you. How Much Should a Small Business Spend on Accounting? By definition, a licensed CPA already has more education than some other accountants do. While requirements can vary slightly according to state, the standard requires a minimum of a bachelor’s degree or 120 college credit hours and a passing grade on the CPA exam. They must also maintain continuing education credits to keep their license current. The average cost of an accountant In-demand accounting services for small businesses include business formation, tax planning and consulting, auditing, bookkeeping, payroll, and advising. The more complicated the service, the more you might decide to charge. Most small-business accounting software costs $0 to $150 per month, with basic plans starting at $0 to $40 per month. These plans allow small-business owners to easily track income and expenses, create and send invoices, and put together financial statements and reports. Keep in mind that professionals hired by companies such as H&R Block or Liberty Tax Service are not always licensed CPAs and may not have extensive accounting backgrounds. While the CPA fee schedule has the potential to cost more than one of these options, you may find that you save more on your taxes by entrusting them to a certified public accountant. Getting estimates from accountants If your tax situation is simple—say, you work for a company and need to submit your W2s—it may not be that costly to hire an accountant. If you work for yourself, however, an accountant is likely to be more expensive. If you are currently enrolled in a program with tax relief companies, you will get help filing your tax returns. You might want to factor between $50 to $150 into your budget for these more extensive services. In fact, approximately 30 percent of accountant fees will fall into this pricing bracket. The accounting cost can also be affected by the amount of experience the individual possesses in the particular area you are interested in. Advantages of Hiring a Tax Professional ”, you’ll get the facts and figures you need in this review and can plan your financial needs accordingly. To help aspiring CPAs understand what their services are worth, we will review examples of a typical CPA cost and a CPA fee schedule to help your business pricing align with the market. Using our proprietary cost database, in-depth research, and collaboration with industry experts, we deliver accurate, up-to-date pricing and insights you can trust, every time. If you’re still don’t know if you should hire an accountant for your small business, we’ve created a cost-benefit template to help make your decision easier.

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Warm And Pleasant Or Competent And Straightforward? What College Students Want From Ai Chatbots In The Classroom

More research on AI-driven chatbot fashions like ChatGPT, Bard, and LLaMa is necessary. One area requiring research and development that shall be useful for teachers is the accessibility of fine-tuning LLMs with specific course information. Although strategies that require inexpensive hardware are being developed (Dettmers et al., 2023), it’s still inaccessible to most of the people with out costly cloud technology solutions computer systems. AI and chatbots are persevering with to develop at a rapid fee and will undoubtedly be part of the future. Superior User Expertise And Studying Outcomes However, the creator argues that this may be a problem that the wider society will likewise need to grapple with, as there might be implications for political deception, id scams, and extortion (De Vries, 2020). Moreover, there is a want for transparency about these biases and an ongoing dialogue about their implications. Students ought to be conscious that chatbots could occasionally show biases, which could be critically evaluated quite than accepted as goal truths. If, traditionally, feminine college students had been much less more probably to apply for Computer Science programs, the chatbot might have learned from this knowledge. It could unintentionally discourage female college students from making use of to these courses. More specifically, when requested about one of the best programs for them, the chatbot may advocate humanities programs over pc science courses to feminine students based mostly on past developments. Why Choose Generative Ai-powered Training Chatbot? In May 2023, Google (2023) and Microsoft (Panay, 2023) announced that their products would combine AI. As chatbots turn into more popular and AI turns into more and more built-in into day-to-day life, it is essential to put together students for the long run, as abilities using these technologies may be a requirement when coming into the lengthy run workforce. In addition, these applied sciences can probably improve student learning over traditional learning methods. It is the job of the educator to offer the most effective learning experience to every learner. Large Language Fashions In Education: A Concentrate On The Complementary Relationship Between Human Lecturers And Chatgpt In 2011 Apple introduced Siri as a voice-activated private assistant for its iPhone (Aron, 2011). Although not strictly a chatbot, Siri showcased the potential of conversational AI by understanding and responding to voice instructions, performing duties, and offering information. In the same 12 months, IBM’s Watson gained fame by defeating human champions within the quiz show Jeopardy (Lally & Fodor, 2011). It demonstrated the power of pure language processing and machine learning algorithms in understanding complicated questions and providing correct answers. More lately, in 2016, Facebook opened its Messenger platform for chatbot growth, allowing companies to create AI-powered conversational brokers to work together with users. PU is the assumption that a specific technological system shall be useful if adopted, such that the more helpful a know-how is perceived, the more probably it will be used (Davis et al., 1989). PU has been recognized within the literature as a factor figuring out whether or not academics and college students undertake chatbots (Chocarro et al., 2021; Malik et al., 2021; Mohd Rahim et al., 2022). The usefulness of AI in schooling is unfamiliar to some lecturers (Hrastinski et al., 2019), and many have had adverse experiences using chatbots (Kim & Kim, 2022). It is recommended that persevering with education programs be made obtainable for in-service and pre-service lecturers outlining the advantages and sensible functions of chatbot use. In Farazouli et al. (2023), for instance, the findings recommend teachers lose their sense of control, which we understand as an expression of the discourse of altering authority. Here, agency is not necessarily only altered, but there are issues that it could be misplaced completely. ChatGPT stands out among AI-powered chatbots utilized in schooling because of its superior pure language processing capabilities and complex language generation, enabling more pure and human-like conversations. Chatbots have been shown to be capable of providing students with quick feedback, fast access to data, increasing engagement and curiosity, and creating course material individualized to the learner. AI chatbots can shoulder a lot of this burden, allowing educators to focus extra on teaching and mentoring students. The authors declare that this research paper didn’t obtain any funding from external organizations. Frequent encounters with AI hallucinations can lower students’ trust in AI as a reliable academic tool, and this distrust can prolong to different digital studying resources and databases. The concern becomes more pronounced, particularly for young college students, who could must be made conscious of the implications of their digital footprints and the necessity for digital privacy. Using the Clearing example, it’s affordable to assume that a number of people under 18 would provide information through this expertise. Since September 2023, Bryant University has been hosting frequent workshops to introduce staff and faculty to the basics of AI chatbots, similar to information security and prompt engineering. As AI continues to evolve, it is our hope that school, college students, and staff can work together to make sure equitable and effective adoption of AI chatbots in higher education. This fast response mechanism is capable of asking about specific features of the session or course. Such applications gather comments on various topics like examine materials, teaching approaches, assignments, and extra. Likewise, bots can acquire inputs from all concerned individuals after each interplay or event. Subsequently, this method provides priceless insights into bettering the learning journey. Multilingual chatbots act as friendly language ambassadors, breaking down limitations for school students from numerous linguistic backgrounds. These financial savings also affect classroom operations, the place chatbots can improve traditional educating methods by offering extra assist that usually requires more workers. For occasion, chatbots can provide extra tutoring or homework help, minimizing the necessity for comprehensive after-school packages. The fixed availability of chatbots means students can be taught at their very own tempo and on their own schedule, which is crucial in at present’s diverse educational landscapes. Al-Zahrani (2023) portrays AI in training as having a disruptive character, potentially displacing teachers’

Warm And Pleasant Or Competent And Straightforward? What College Students Want From Ai Chatbots In The Classroom Read More »

Chief Executive Officer CEO: Roles and Responsibilities vs Other Chief Roles

Throughout such a career, you might play several roles within an organization and as you climb the corporate ladder you may begin to wonder what kind of executive role you are best suited to. Is the highest level of Executive Officer and is responsible for the smooth functioning of the corporation, for the company’s profitability, and the day to day functions and targets of the company. – Firstly, both positions require excellent communication skills in order to effectively lead and manage teams. Trends that are Shaping the Roles of CEO and Executive Directors Acting as a liaison between the organization’s board of directors and operational teams, an Executive Director ensures alignment across the team. CEOs must be able to make informed decisions that shape the future of the organization based on company metrics and performance. While lower-level managers are often responsible for overseeing or planning day-to-day operations, CEOs need to shape these actions with a strategic long-term plan. CEOs should not be short-sighted and should instead lay the groundwork for a successful future that will be sustained by the organization. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, CEOs and executive directors will need to be even more strategic in their thinking. They’ll need to find ways to stand out from the crowd and differentiate their organizations in the eyes of customers and investors. Lastly, whether one or two people serve the roles of managing director and CEO, boards must ensure that those who serve in the roles are clear on their duties, responsibilities, and boundaries. CEOs count on managing directors to provide the status and scope of an organization’s operations. The title ‘Managing Director’ is used interchangeably with CEO, particularly in smaller firms or where there is no clear distinction between the roles. Breaching these duties can result in legal and financial liabilities, including lawsuits, regulatory fines, and damage to their professional reputation. To some degree, they both focus on making sure that daily functions run smoothly, and that the organization is headed toward its overarching goals while maintaining integrity and quality culture. CEOs may rely on financial or non-financial metrics to draw conclusions and track progress. A president is typically responsible for the day-to-day operations of a company, and their role may overlap with a chief operating officer. After crafting a long-term decision, CEOs will usually gather their leadership team in an attempt to create an action plan that will spark positive change. These pivotal roles are crucial in defining the leadership and strategic direction of any organisation, yet they often cause confusion due to their overlapping responsibilities. The CEO is supervised by a board of directors, who represent the stakeholders of the company. The communication line between a CEO and the board of directors is the Company Secretary, who difference between ceo and director briefs the board about the working of the CEO. Conclusion and key takeaways While the founder may presently hold the title of CEO, there are numerous occasions in which each role is held by different individuals. If a CEO was also responsible for founding the company, they may be referred to as both the CEO and the founder interchangeably. This guide aims to clarify the key differences between a CEO vs Managing Director within the context of businesses. We focus on their roles, strategic importance, and typical presence in companies of varying sizes. There is no set list of experiences that you might need to take on the role of a CEO or MD. It would depend on the duties assigned to the role by a specific company. Managing Director: Operational Decision Maker While the vice president of the company is one of the top executives within an organization, there are a number of roles that hold higher power. If a company has both a CEO and a president, the vice president would be third in command. They serve as the main point of communication between the board of directors and corporate operations, embodying the organisation’s vision in all aspects of business. Damage to professional reputation can also occur, affecting not only the individual but also the organization’s standing in the community. It is imperative for Executive Directors to navigate their roles with diligence and ethical consideration, mitigating these risks to ensure the long-term and integral success of the organization. The responsibilities of a CEO include maximizing the share price, market price, revenues, or other elements. The CEO controls the President, Chief Executive, CEE, and Managing Director. Reduce the Impact and Frequency of Volunteer Board Resignations The chief executive officers of large corporations often achieve fame or infamy because of their frequent dealings with the public. Examples include Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla (TSLA), and Steve Jobs, founder and CEO of Apple (AAPL). Jobs became such a global icon that an explosion of both cinematic and documentary films about him emerged after his death in 2011. The Board of Directors determines the responsibility of the CEO based on the organization’s legal structure. A CEO may have a vision for what the organization’s culture should look like and what the organization’s mission and values are. Both the CEO and Managing Director hold a high ranking within the typical corporate structure. In most cases, the CEO reports to the company’s Board of Directors, whereas a Managing Director is positioned below the CEO. CEOs are the owners of a company in some cases or are elected by the board of directors in others. The person filling this role reports directly to the CEO and must fulfill the CEO’s orders and expectations. Understanding the key differences in the roles of Executive Director and Managing Director is crucial for effective corporate governance. These roles complement each other, ensuring a balanced leadership as well as a well-run company. If you are looking to advance your career by pursuing one of these leadership roles, the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College can help you get there. While both executive and managing directors hold significant decision making authority, their areas of

Chief Executive Officer CEO: Roles and Responsibilities vs Other Chief Roles Read More »